Stages of your Customers’ Purchase Mindset

Trying to sell to someone who is not ready to buy is a waste of time.
You have an amazing offer for your ideal client… you KNOW they will 100% benefit from this offer and you know it is exactly what they need.
But… does your ideal client knows, they need your offer? Or do they know they experience these problems?
Sometimes, your ideal client doesn’t even know they have these problems. So your offer does not speak to them, because they are unaware of the problems that are causing their pain points.
In this e-mail, I’m going to show you the Stages of your Customers’ Purchase Mindset. It is about the PSYCHOLOGY behind their purchasing decision.
You can divide a customer's purchasing mindset into 5 phases. These are the stages that the customer goes through before they make a purchase. It is important that you understand these phases so that you can apply them to your content and offer.
1. Communication
You write about what you do or how you can help in a language that your ideal customer understands, can relate to, or connect with.
This is incredibly important. If they don't feel the connection or don't understand your language at all, they will never be able to connect with your offer.
2. Connection
So they know what they need to do in the end to transform. It is therefore important that you show your follower WHY they feel something, WHAT the problem is, and HOW they can solve it.
3. Trust
You have shown that they can trust you or given a reason to believe that you do what you promise. Trust is actually one of the most important factors. You will never sell without trust from your customer. So you have to give them reasons to trust you.
4. Self-confidence
You have connected them to the part of their body where they feel they deserve or are worthy to create the reality they want.
5. Visualization
You've shown them the possibility of a brighter future, connected them emotionally with the details of that experience, or showed them how you're going to help them get there.
People should be able to see it for themselves. Being able to position themselves and visualize the whole story in their head.
When you think about these phases, make sure you use these to create your content. Shift their decision in the right direction. —> Your offer.
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So, in order to start making impactful content, that is also based on this sales psychology, I wrote this amazing free e-book for you!
How to attract your ideal client with magnetic copywriting using Instagram.
You can download the free e-book via:
With love,