How to turn your online business in a money machine

Why modern marketing is THE way to build an audience to sell to
You have a product or service and of course you want customers to purchase it from you. There is always an ideal customer who would like to have your product or service. But how do you find that ideal customer and how does this customer find you?
You might think simple; marketing. But what makes the difference is the way you do marketing.
The customer must not find you, no, you must find the customer.
How do you do this? In this blog post I will explain to you which steps you need to follow to use modern marketing for your company and especially what you need to take into account so that this actually brings you customers.
Modern marketing is based on a number of fundamentals. Without these foundations, your marketing will not be effective.
The first important foundation is: giving.
Give your potential customer value. This can be in the form of a free Webinar, E-book, or blog post. In this way you create trust and expert status, without immediately selling. Show that you are the expert in your niche.
The second important foundation is: care about your potential customer.
Answer questions, give comments, likes, be a real person and respond to these people as if they were a paying customer. After all, they are worth as much as the customers you already have.
The third foundation is: be honest.
You believe in your service or product, so be sincere. Be honest with the customer, be transparent.
The fourth foundation is: be helpful.
Help people make wise decisions based on what's best for them and not necessarily for you!
What matters is that you listen to your potential customers' points of view, put yourself in your customer's shoes, what does this customer feel (fears, frustrations?). Give generously (information), build trust without any connection to a sale and most importantly, do it with love. People quickly notice when you don't really mean it.
Modern marketing is effective communication designed to help people. If you do this the right way, you won't come across as annoying or salesly.
For example, I give you information that can help you with your company. All the information that has helped me where I am now. Ultimately, you will then be more inclined to purchase an E-book from me, or eventually purchase a 1:1 coaching trajectory from me. This is the same principle.
Let me know what you think about this info in the comments!